Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ry Guy lives another day.....

This is the picture I look at every time I have a particularly
"difficult" day with my Ry Ry. He was 7 months old in this
picture and ALL of my frustration leaves when I see those
fat baby arms with NO wrists and those thick chubby
thighs wearing size 6 Pampers already. He never learned
to crawl-- this was him dragging his belly and legs along like
a snake. Ryan is one of those kids that is never content
to sit on the rug and "play". He is going 24/7 and wants the
rest of us right there with him. He LOVES an audience.
Does not like interacting with children his age. So I'm his
favorite person, favorite play mate.... etc. Don't get me
wrong I love that we have this close connection--and I'm his
favorite. I just get the guilties when my house, husband,
and Baby Evan get neglected because "The King has ruled"
Maybe it's because he was the first born. Maybe it's because
Brad and I are both big time bosses. Maybe it's because his
name means "Little King". Who knows? Some days it's just
easier to do things his way.......I'll try that tomorrow. I love
you Chubba Bubba! I still call him that sometimes,even though
he's anything but.


  1. Seriously that is AWESOME!!!! I love FAT babies, they are the BEST!!!! I have pics like that of my Ryan too, it must be the name:)

  2. That is the cutest picture EVER!! I notice Holly's comment above... Loving the fat Ryan's!!! My oldest was the same way for years. Favoring mom. Isn't it great!

  3. I love this picture of Ry! Look at all that baby fat. Too adorable!
